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NEST Strategies

Directional execution algos with configurable parameters

Execute a suite of directional execution algos based on various configurable parameters in an efficient and reliable manner.

Strategies for arbitrage, pair trading, jobbing

Execute your arbitrage, pair trading and jobbing strategies in an automated manner. Use the best suited combination of execution criteria for your strategies to maximise participation and manage slippage.

Multi-leg options strategies, hedging strategies based on Greeks

Leverage a flexible suite of multi-leg options algos, hedging algos, algos using Option Greeks, to execute a variety of 2-leg, 3-leg, 4-leg options strategies, with various optional hedging modes.

Integrated development environment to design and deploy proprietary algorithms

Reduce go-to-market and build custom proprietary algorithms using NEST Strategy platform, that provides you with an integrated development environment to edit strategy logic, debug, set strategy parameters, and view orders, trades, positions created by the strategy.

Execution modes and completion modes

Choose from execution modes and completion modes across strategies, such as participation, sweep, multi-leg IOC, maintain Limit (spread/ net value), market price protection, and more.

Event trigger parameters

Use event trigger parameters such as price, liquidity, threshold parameters, timers, option Greeks, entry/ exit conditions to maximise execution efficiency, based on the strategy.